Tuesday, 6 December 2011

The Graduate

Found in a charity shop in Weston-super-Mare.

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Milk Stout

Since digital photography has come along and storing vast quantities of images on your computer has negated the need to print an image, I seldom chance upon the found photo anymore; it's become a very rare event indeed. My only joy now is stumbling across a photograph in a charity shop or flea market - but only if I find one where there shouldn't normally be one. For instance, this photo was found in a box of random paperwork whilst I was looking for knitting patterns in a charity shop in Weston-super-Mare. My golden rule is to never consciously search for them: they have to find me.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Dogs You Don't Know

Given to me by my friend Mole Leigh back when we were studying in Weston-super-Mare. It was originally framed and she found it in a charity shop - someone once had this picture on their wall. I had it on my wall for a while too...

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Quiet Reserve

Not sure where I collected this gentleman from. I like his haircut though.

Monday, 14 November 2011

Hello Sailor

Found in a charity shop in Bedminster, Bristol

Wednesday, 13 July 2011


I literally cannot remember where I found this.

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Blankety Blank

Blank set of passport photos found somewhere in Croydon.

Monday, 11 April 2011

George Street, Croydon

I actually found this photo of George Street, Croydon on George Street, Croydon.

Saturday, 5 March 2011

The Kids

I think I found this on George Street in Croydon, although the photo itself has the air of ski resort to it. Definitely not Croydon.

Friday, 18 February 2011


Another set of passport photographs found on a Croydon street in 2004-ish. I have no idea how or even why this person decided to take a photo of their denim clad chest, but they did. Normally you get about three or four attempts to take a half decent photo (when I say 'half decent photo', what I mean is a photo of your face, your very own frozen phizog, captured forever resembling a recently warmed up cadaver), so if it looks rubbish you can try again. You also have to push a button to confirm you're happy with the photo. Pretty simple. I can only assume then that the person in this photo is either incapable of using a photo booth, or they actually did want a picture of their jacket front.

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Slide Away

Regular 6x4 photo found in West Croydon somewhere, some time ago...

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Plastic Furniture

Found on Oakfield Road, Croydon back in 2001-ish. Even though I've had this photo for 10 years, it was only upon scanning today I realised the thing obscuring the patio furniture is probably a finger. Or sausage roll.

Sunday, 30 January 2011

Very Little Helps

Whilst I wouldn't want anyone to think I rummage through bins on a regular basis, I must confess that this is how I found these two sets of photos. For my sins I was shopping at Tesco (gah!) in Yate (double gah!) when I noticed the 'Photo-Me' booth technician cleaning out his machine of all sorts of crap into a nearby waste receptacle. I was intrigued and suspiciously loitered at the end of the checkouts waiting for him to leave... After long awkward minutes of pretending to text someone, I eventually seized the opportunity to claim my rubbish bin prize as the operator made his way out of Tesco. My friends, I was not disappointed...

Tuesday, 4 January 2011


A collection of credit card sized photos that presumably fell from the purse of a white, middle class lady who is part of the country set. Found in Waterstone's at Cribb's Causeway (demographic: neurotic, white, middle class women that live in South Gloucestershire and love a 3 for 2 combining historical fiction, romance, and stories of challenged individuals that overcome adversity.).